الخميس، 28 يونيو 2012


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاثه


            Ibn As-Sunni  (may Allah have mercy upon him) said in his book that one of the Prophet’s wives said, “Once, the Messenger of Allah came when I had a pimple on my finger. He said:

(( عندك ذريرة ؟ قلت : نعم, قال : ضعيها عليها. وقال : قولي : اللهم مصغر الكبير, ومكبر الصغير, صغر مابي ))

“Do you have Tharirah (Arum)?’ I said, “yes”. He said: “Place it on the pimple.” He then said: ‘Say, O Allah who transforms the big to small and the small to big, make what I am suffering from small.” [Al-Hakim also narrated the hadith].

            Tharirah (Arum) is an Indian remedy made of arum cane. Arum is hot and dry and helps against stomach and liver tumors and dropsy and also strengthens the heart.

            In the Sahihain, it is narrated that ‘Aishah ra said, “I perfumed the Messenger of Allah swt with my hand using Tharirah (Arum) during the Farewell Hajj during the state of Ihram and otherwise.”

            The pimple is a grow that results from harmful, septic substances that push towards the skin to find a way out of the body. The pimples needs to mature and to then be opened and extracted, such as by using the Tharirah, which helps extract the septic matter from the pimple. Along with giving a good aroma. In addition, the Tharirah soother the hotness of the pimple. This is why the author of the ‘Al-Qanun’ said, “There is no better remedy for fire burns than the Tharirah, when it is blended with rose essence and vinegar.”

[ sumber: Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet saw, Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah, Darussalam, pg 130]

azi punyer guidance plak, tempek jer bedak sejuk y opah buatkan kat mr.J (jerawat) tuh.. hehe.. kata ummi, biar dy cepat kering.. ntah la.. azi pkai jer.. sbb ayah azi sllu tegur kalau ade smthing kat muke azi nih.. hehe (ayah prihatin).. so, nk elakkn dr kne tegur, nyahkan bende2 tu cepat2.. hehe.. mklum la, azi nih malas skit nk jage muke.. bile dah keluar jerawat baru tekedek2 cari bedak sejuk.. hehe..

satu lagi, perasan tak, azi dah boleh tulis jawi?? Hahahaha..!! azi baru jer masukkan font jawi.. happy sgt..!! boleh tulis jawi banyak2.. hehehe

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