السبت، 26 مايو 2012


assalamualaikum wbt..

asyik cakap pasal masakan je kan..
macam azi ni pandai memasak jer..
ok lah.. kali ni kita sembang
kenapa azi sllu n suke sgt letak habbatussauda' dalam setiap masakan azi especially gulai2 dan lauk2..
azi kutip dari buku Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet.. atau nama lainnya Tibb Nabawi..
azi beli kat ma'aradh kutub (book fair) januari lalu..
azi taip semula ape y ade dlm buku tu..

in the sahihain it is narrated that Abu Hurairah ra related from Prophet saw that he said:

" use the Black Seed ( or Habbat Al-Barakah or habbatussauda' ) because it contains a cure for every type of ailment, except for death "
[ At-Tirmidhi, Ahmad dan Ibn Hibban ]

#lappy azi xde font jawi.. sory

The Black Seed (or Habbat Al-Barakah) is called Shuneiz in Persian, black cumin and Indian cumin. Al-Harbi narrated that Al-Hassan said, “it is the mustard seed of the terebinth. These are not correct opinions, because the Prophet saw stated that it is the Black seed, which is the Shuneiz as we stated.

      The Black Seed has many benefits, as indicated by the Prophet’s statement:
      “it is a cure for every type of disease.” This statement is just like what Allah said:

      “Destroying everything by the Command of its Lord!” (46:25)

Its means destroys everything that is prone to destruction.
The Black Seed helps against all types of cold ailments. Also, the Black Seede helps introduce the ingredients of cold medications to the areas affected by hot and dry ailments, as it helps the body absorb the medicine quickly when taken in small dosages.

      The author of the ‘Qanoon’ and other people stated that saffron blended with camphor has similar effects, because saffron helps the camphor reach the affected area quickly. There are several types of plants that have similar effects as saffron. It is possible that the hot substance benefits in cases of hot diseases. For instance, the Anzarut, which is a type of eyeliner, is mixed with other remedies for Ophthalmia, conjunctivitis, and so forth. Ophthalmia is a hot tumor as the doctors agree. Also, sulfur is a remedy for hot mange.

      Shuneiz is hot and dry in the third degree, eliminates flatulence, extracts the helminthes (worms), relieves leprosy, and phlegm fevers, opens clogs, decomposes accumulating gas and excess moisture in the stomach. When the Shuneiz is ground, blended with honey and drunk with some warm water, it will dissolve the stones that appear in the kidney and the prostate, and it is also diuretic. It increases the flow during menstruation and the production of milk if it is drunk for several days. When it is heated with vinegar and placed on the stomach, it will eliminate the helminthes (worms). When it is blended with wet or cooked colorynth water, it is more effective in removing helminthes (worms). It also clears up, decomposes and relieves cold symptoms when it is groung in a rag and inhaled through the nose on a regular basis until the ailment is cured.

      Black Seed oil helps against snakebites, hemorrhoids and spots. When around twenty-five grams of it is drunk with water it will help against gasping and hard breathing.

      When the Black Seeds are cooked in vinegar and then one rinses his mouth with it, it will relieve toothache resulting from sensitivity to cold. When one inhales powdered black seed, it will help against water that accumulates in the eye. When it is used in a bandage while blendedwith vinegar, it heals spots and exposed skin ulcers and decomposes the acute mucus tumors and also hard tumors.

      The oil of the Black Seed also helps against facial paralysis when administered by the nose. When one drinks around twenty-five grams of its oil, it helps against spider bite. When it is ground finely and blended with the oil of the green seed and used as ear drops, only up to three drops, it helps against cold symptoms, flatulence and various clogs.

      When the Black Seed is fried and finely ground, soaked in oil and then drops are administered in the nose, it will help against cold conditions accompanied by intensive sneezing.

      When the Black Seed is burned and mixed with melted wax along with henna’ or iris oil, it helps remove the ulcers that appear on the skin of the legs, after washing the skin with vinegar.

      When the Black Seeds are crushed in vinegar and laid on leprous skin, the skin affected by black pigmentation and on the head that is affected by dandruff, it helps relieve these ailments.

      When the Black Seeds are ground finely and one swallows around twenty-five grams of it each day with cold water, it instantly helps against the bite of rabid dogs, and might prevent death as a result of hydrophobia. When one administers the oil of the black seed in the nose, it will help against facial paralysis and tetanus by eliminating their causes. Finally, when the black seeds are burned, they help repulse the venomous beasts.

      When Persian kohl is dissolved in water and then placed on the interior of the throat and then the black seeds are sprinkled on it, it acts like an effective remover of hemorrhoids. There are many other benefits for the Shuneiz. We should state that the dose should be around twenty-five grams, as some people claim that using excessive dosages of it might cause death.

Tamatlah sudah.. huh huh.. penat azi menaip.. hehe.. nak share punye pasal, azi sanggup.. azi ingt bile balik Malaysia nanti azi nak bawak habbatussauda’ banyak2 bagi kat umi, 2 orang nenek, mak2 sedara.. semua azi nak bg.. ye la.. kite nih, hidup biarlah bermanfaat utk org lain.. kan kan kan..

Short tazkirah >> tidak Allah jadikan sesuatu melainkan ada kebaikan dan manfaatnya..


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